Although not unique to the Message, Fundamentalism & Restorationism are part of the fabric of being a believer in William Branham's message. The affect these have on your thinking, and your ability to leave the...
Read Moreleaving the message
articles about the affect & fears of leaving the message
The decision has been made. You’re leaving. Now what?
Now you’re dealing with feelings you’ve never experienced before. It was bad enough trying to sort through the questions and issues of your faith. This is now where you know you can’t hide; you’re going to be the one that everyone feels sorry for. You’re going to be the one who never “had it”, who “couldn’t live it”, who was listening to the wrong voices and spent too much time reasoning.
What now? How do you move forward?
Barriers of Exit: Branham’s Ark
The Message is Branham's Ark. He's provided the way of escape by all his claims and promises. And this is the quandary for someone who is concerned about the message, and yet looks outside at...
Read More20/20 Perspective: Cults Within Cults
Early in my post-message life, I would have other former members approach me suggesting their experience was significantly different than what I experienced. Likewise, there were times when I would read someone else's testimony and...
Read More20/20 Perspective: Shunning
Who Shunned Who? Honestly. This is a question I've had to really reflect on. In the immediate aftermath, it could be well documented in my writing on this website how the message folk effectively 'shunned'...
Read MoreBarriers of Exit: The Exodus Story
The following article is part of my “Barriers of Exit” series. These barriers are cognitive hurdles that make it extremely hard to question or leave the Message. For a questioning individual, they may have...
Read MoreDisclosure & Vulnerability (2020)
I’ve spent a long time on Morning Mercy through the years. It’s hard to explain how much was invested in this online space. Most the effort will never be visible on the pages or...
Read MoreCase Quote: “They’re Asking Questions Because Something is Wrong with their Heart”.
Since leaving the message, one thing I have occasionally done is to listen to archived sermons from various churches and ministries. I don’t do it to load up on criticism or document my greivances....
Read MoreIt Wasn’t About You: It was About a System
What is a System: “An organized, purposeful structure that consists of interrelated and interdependent elements (components, entities, factors, members, parts etc.). These elements continually influence one another (directly or indirectly) to maintain their activity...
Read MoreSocial Pressure | But The Message Cleaned Up My Life!
One of the arguments I faced countless times while leaving the message was the issue of living a “clean life”. As per the experience of many, they testify to the transformation they experienced as they...
Read MoreBroad Brushes: The Ease & Problem of (Mis)Labels
In my journey through the Message, one thing I was continually bothered by was the swift leap to labels. It’s not that this problem doesn’t exist elsewhere; let’s be honest, it’s a widespread part...
Read MoreThe Importance of Clarity for Closure
The journey away from the message is intensely messy. It’s unavoidable, and there are many reasons for the emotional mess it makes – all of which are worth learning about. Why is it worth learning...
Read MoreMarried to a Message Man: What Should I Do?
(This article is intended for a wife who has questioned / doubted / disbelieved the Message – while her husband continues to believe) For the last few years, perhaps the most frequent message I’ve...
Read MoreVideo: The Universal Principles of Undue Influence
I always hesitate to use the word “cult” because I know how hurtful & strong it is. I know I always felt very offended and misunderstood when someone (who knew nothing about my experience)...
Read MoreRespecting Freedom vs Undue Influence
Despite the fact that I disagree with William Branham’s message, I respect the freedoms for their churches to practice their faith. But challenging information needs to be public.
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